The North Door

North Door Podcast QuintetThe Memory Palace is a story telling podcast about the past, it was named as a finalist for a Peabody award in 2016. If you have listened to The Memory Palace you know you will hear fascinating and the mostly forgotten stories about the past. If you are a fan then you know about the brass ensemble that seems to be a part of the pod cast. Until I was contacted by Gigsalad, an online gig finding service, I hadn’t heard the Memory Palace. I love podcasts listening to Brass Junkies, The Other Side of the Bell – the Bob Reeves Trumpet Podcast, Radiolab, and many others. The Memory Palace was right up my alley and the gig was Avant Garde, a live streaming of the podcast complete with brass ensemble in Austin at The North Door, a venue marked only by an ‘X’ over the door. As the brass ensemble sat in the balcony many audience members came up to us and asked if we were part of the brass group, they were so excited to finally see what they had been imagining week after week as listeners. Brook, a woman that was at the North Door with her husband celebrating her wedding anniversary said she listened to The Memory Palace during the rare quiet moments as a mother of 2. It was Brook’s guilty pleasure. The audience was fabulous and so was the talent, Nate DiMeo. If you get the chance, give a listen to The Memory Palace, if possible find the LIVE from Austin podcast and hear yours truly.

The Memory Palace Podcast LIVE

The Memory Palace Brass Band

The North Door